Making Food Your Guest of Honor

[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Summer is the time to gather with friends and family in celebration of warm weather, good company and of course, delicious food! And if you plan to open your own home to guests, we encourage that you keep one thing central to your hosting values: a great menu. In our opinion, the best host is not one with the finest decor, the neatest home, or the prettiest serving bowls.

The best host in town is one that serves a mean guacamole. After all, no will remember the details you added or the effort you made to perfect your home. They will instead, cherish the memories of spending time with good friends with good food in hand.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal” color=”#e0e0e0″ thickness=”2″ up=”20″ down=”20″][vc_column_text]

How to make your food the life of the party…

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  1. Provide snacks. You will notice that a display of artichoke dip or chips and salsa will attract a gathering of your guests. No one can resist the joy of conversing over a tray of apps! In fact, this might be their favorite aspect of the party, so make sure it is on par with their expectations. And may we suggest offering them some of our homemade chips and salsa? We think they’ll be a hit!
  2. Make sure that your main course is easily shared. Setting out a bar of food in which your guests can serve themselves is a great idea! And meals that offer a lot of different toppings provide people with plenty of options. This is an excellent way to consider your picky eaters or those with diet restrictions. One of our favorite versions of this type of build-your-own meals is (you guessed it) tacos! Tacos can come in multiple shapes and sizes. No matter their preference for meat, veggies or salsa, your guests will surely be satisfied. Plus, with corn tortillas, you gluten-free guests can join in on the deliciousness!
  3. Make it easy on yourself. You should enjoy your party just as much as your guests! After all, this is your perfect opportunity to spend time with everyone that you love and care for, all in one place! So make sure that you are free to do so. There are simple ways to ensure this experience. 1.) Skip the dishes! Use paper and plastic plates, cups, utensils, etc. No one will mind the less-formal look. This will make your life exponentially simpler, especially if you’re cooking for a crowd! And 2.) Serve up an easy meal. Don’t try out a new, gourmet recipe on these nights. Make something simple, cheap and reasonably easy. Cooking for a large group can be challenging, so cut yourself some slack. And if you’re crazy about hosting but no so much for cooking, call us for the best catering in town! We’ll even let you take the cooking credit.

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We hope that this summer, you enjoy delicious food alongside great company.

It’s amazing how food can so easily bring people together for a gathering of laughter and celebration. We’d love to be a part of your get-togethers this summer. So, the next time you host a summer’s night dinner party, make sure to stop at Redlands Ranch Market for the freshest ingredients for your most delicious meal. And remember, when you’d rather just relax and leave the cooking to us, do not hesitate to pay a visit to our cocina![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]