5 Things You Didn’t Know About Cinco De Mayo

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Que the mariachi music and prepare your finest guacamole, Cinco de Mayo is just around the corner! But before you jump into the festivities, remember that today is about more than your annual taco indulgence. In fact, May 5th represents more than you probably ever knew! So, before your first whack at the pinata, let’s recall what this day is all about.

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#1 – Mexico’s Independence Day

Though often mistaken for Mexico’s independence day, Cinco De Mayo recalls a small, yet victorious battle for Mexico during the French Mexican War. At the Battle of Puebla, Mexican troops, though outnumbered three to one, defeated France and defied all odds. Despite the battle’s general insignificance and Mexico’s fate to eventually lose the war, this inspiring win is still celebrated today.

#2 – Mexican Culture & Heritage

Though it is surprisingly not prominent in Mexico, Cinco De Mayo is widely popular in the US. Especially among Mexican-American populations, it has become a celebration of Mexican culture and heritage. The day is often celebrated with parties featuring traditional Mexican food and decorations…and perhaps a bit of tequila.

#3 – The Battle of Puebla

The Battle of Puebla had significance in the American Civil War. France hoped to gain a foothold in Mexico so to support the Confederate army. And though their defeat at the Battle of Puebla was not definitive, it may have influenced the Union’s success by holding off French occupation for a while longer. Some historians believe Cinco De Mayo to be a turning point in the American Civil War.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

#4 – Cinco De Mayo Party

For the ultimate Cinco De Mayo party, you’ll have to travel to Puebla: the very town where Mexico conquered the French forces. Celebrations involve a reenactment of the remembered battle, a parade, and fireworks. Thought you were throwing the best Cinco De Mayo party? Think again!

#5 – Authentic Mexican Dish

Mole Poblano is considered the official dish of Cinco De Mayo because of its significance in the state of Puebla, where the famous battle took place. Containing about 20 ingredients, this is among the more intricate dishes of Mexican cuisine. It couples chocolate and chili peppers to create a unique and complex flavor.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]In recollection of Mexico’s unlikely triumph, Cinco De Mayo serves as a day for pride in Mexico. Especially for Mexican-American groups, this day is an opportunity to celebrate the Mexican culture with food, tradition and of course, fiestas![/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]

If you’re hosting your Cinco De Mayo party this year, be sure to make a stop at Redlands Ranch Market. Either opt for delicious, hassle-free catering or cook up the freshest ingredients in town! Top it all off with festive decorations and perhaps even a crowd-favorite pinata. Together, let’s celebrate the festive, proud and culinary genius of the Mexican heritage.
